Albert Whitlock



The Thing: Terror Takes Shape (1998)
als Self
High Anxiety (1977)
als Arthur Brisbane


Additional Visual Effects
The Wicked Lady
Visual Effects
The Thing
Visual Effects
Visual Effects
Visual Effects
Ghost Story
Visual Effects
History of the World: Part I
Visual Effects
Cheech & Chong's Next Movie
Visual Effects
The Island
Visual Effects
The Wiz
Visual Effects
High Anxiety
Visual Effects
Visual Effects
Exorcist II: The Heretic
Visual Effects
The Car
Visual Effects
Bound for Glory
Visual Effects
Family Plot
Visual Effects
W.C. Fields and Me
Special Effects Technician
The Hindenburg
Visual Effects
The Day of the Locust
Visual Effects
A Cry in the Wilderness
Visual Effects
A Cry in the Wilderness
Special Effects
The Sting
Visual Effects
Special Effects
The Century Turns
Visual Effects
The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid
Visual Effects
Matte Painter
Evil Roy Slade
Visual Effects
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Special Effects
The Andromeda Strain
Visual Effects
Raid on Rommel
Visual Effects
Visual Effects
Visual Effects
Gaily, Gaily
Matte Painter
Funny Girl
Special Effects
In Enemy Country
Visual Effects
Visual Effects
The Ballad of Josie
Visual Effects
The President's Analyst
Matte Painter
The King's Pirate
Visual Effects
The War Wagon
Visual Effects
Munster, Go Home!
Matte Painter
The Rare Breed
Visual Effects
That Funny Feeling
Visual Effects
Island of the Blue Dolphins
Visual Effects
Robinson Crusoe on Mars
Matte Painter
Captain Newman, M.D.
Matte Painter
The Pit and the Pendulum
Matte Painter
Malta Story
Special Effects
The Net
Special Effects
Christopher Columbus
Special Effects
The Bad Lord Byron
Special Effects
The Lady Vanishes
Scenic Artist
Scenic Artist
The 39 Steps
Scenic Artist

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